Bangladesh-based generic medicine manufacturer Beximco Pharmaceuticals has introduced a generic version of the antiviral drug remdesivir, under the brand name Bemsivir.

Remdesivir has been recently granted the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) for the treatment of Covid-19. Beximco is the first company to launch a generic version of remdesivir for Covid-19 treatment.

Beximco Pharmaceuticals managing director Nazmul Hassan said: “We are pleased to be the first generic company in the world to introduce this very important drug for treating hospitalised Covid-19 patients.

“This reinforces our commitment to ensure access to breakthrough therapies, despite facing many challenges amid this unprecedented pandemic. We express our gratitude to the regulatory authority for their support in making this drug available to patients at the earliest possible time.”

Beximco Pharma has secured DGDA authorisation for remdesivir IV injection

Recently, Directorate General of Drug Administration (DGDA), the regulatory authority in Bangladesh, has granted Emergency Use Authorisation for Beximco Pharma’s remdesivir IV injection under the brand name Bemsivir.

Remdesivir is as a direct-acting antiviral drug that inhibits viral RNA synthesis, originally developed by Gilead Sciences, a US-based biopharmaceutical company. The drug is administered intravenously to treat hospitalised patients with severe Covid-19 disease.

The company is providing remdesivir (Bemsivir) to the Bangladesh government at free of cost, and the supply is limited only to the government hospitals.

Beximco claimed that it has taken various proactive measures in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, to provide the advanced, evidence-based treatment options for the patients.

The company has previously launched the anti-viral drug favipiravir under the brand name Viraflu, repurposed antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine under the brand name Kovicinand, and anti-parasitic drug ivermectin under the brand name Ivera as potential treatments for Covid-19.

Hassan added: “As we continue to work closely with, and extend our support to, the Bangladesh government during this national emergency, we recognise the essential service government hospitals provide to patients across the country free of charge. We are therefore delighted to donate Bemsivir to patients with severe Covid-19 in government hospitals.”