How would you like a lab that:

  • Takes its temperature every second?
  • Knows who is in each area, 24/7?
  • Keeps 21 CFR Part 11 audit trails to prove its records?

Meeting regulatory requirements has now become much easier and more efficient. Tour Andover Controls offers a complete CFR Compliance Pack™ to help your company address increasing compliance requirements.

A single automated system lets you control every aspect of facility compliance – from who enters the building, to password protection in equipment, to complete environmental monitoring and alarms. The system also keeps detailed records to facilitate regulatory compliance. It also offers all the benefits of electronic record-keeping, such as fast information exchange and data-mining for manufacturing management.

Your company has no choice but to comply with 21 CFR Part 11, but you can choose to improve the way in which you run your facilities.

Tour Andover Controls brings one of the most integrated, innovative and globally supported building automation solutions to the marketplace. The company provides security with an integral technologies business, as well as other products and services that deliver open systems for building IT®;. Tour Andover Controls is in the unique position of offering customers a comprehensive building solution.

Tour Andover Control’s customers can do business with an industry leader, confident that its solutions and services will last for the life of the facility.

The innovative traditions at the roots of Tour Andover Control are stronger than ever, so that its customers are at the forefront of efficient, secure and cost-effective building management, and will be for decades to come.