Thanks to air cargo, pharmaceutical products can be transported around the globe in a very short period of time. However, a plane that crosses continents also crosses different climate zones. This fact poses the biggest challenge for pharma transports. It is with this fact in mind that German company DoKaSch Temperature Solutions, based at Frankfurt (Main) airport, Europe's biggest freight hub and the airport with the most cargo destinations worldwide, has dedicated years of research and investment to the development of temperature-controlled packaging solutions for pharmaceutical products. The most advanced one is the Opticooler, an active temperature-regulated container, perfectly suited for highly sensitive pharmaceutical products. DoKaSch is renting this model out to a network with more than 20 of the most important carriers in the world.

The Opticooler – temperature control around the globe

The Opticooler comes in two sizes. The RKN version offers space for one and a half euro-pallet, while the bigger RAP size is suited for up to five of those. The most important aspect of the Opticooler is the fact that it is an active container, meaning that it is capable of having its internal temperature maintained or altered thanks to a power source. The easy-to-use touchscreen interface allows the user to adjust internal temperatures between 2-8 or 15-25°C, in ambient temperatures as high as 50°C or as low as -30°C. With just one click, the container is qualified for the whole transport route and can be used worldwide in all climate zones without limitations. In comparison to passive solutions, it can even be used as a small warehouse with unlimited runtime when connected to a power source, which makes is a highly useful tool for airports without proper cool chain infrastructure.

Which services does DoKaSch offer?

DoKaSch Temperature Solutions has hubs and partners all around the world, from which the company offers rentals, often including free delivery and pick-up after each trip. In turn, potential clients gain easy and quick access to the Opticooler. In addition to that, DoKaSch conducts extensive maintenance routines after each trip. Due to that, the Opticooler is the most reliable transport solution in its field. Furthermore, DoKaSch does not only provide qualification data from in-house tests, but also results of thousands of actual shipments which were conducted with the Opticooler. These results are provided to pharmaceutical companies, which can in turn easily qualify validate the unit. That allows clients to use the Opticoolers in all scenarios, there is no individual qualification for individual transport routes needed.  

The DoKaSch Group – Quality and innovations made in Germany

As part of the DoKaSch group, which is one of the leading providers for air cargo solutions, DoKaSch Temperature Solutions can rely on more than 30 years of experience. Over the course of the years, the company has developed a variety of different temperature-regulated containers for air cargo. Since 2014, DoKaSch TS is renting out its products to airlines globally and has also expanded its network in the US. Due to the great importance of the US-pharma market, the availability of the highly reliable DoKaSch products is a great benefit for pharma companies.