Randox is a recognised primary manufacturer of high-quality, cost-effective human recombinant proteins, polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, and antibody fragments. Its team of scientists possess unrivalled expertise, enabling the company to provide comprehensive suites of products and services dedicated to advancing biopharmaceutical research and diagnostics. These can be used for a range of applications including immunotherapy, companion diagnostics, cell imaging, immunoassay development and biologic therapeutics.

Combining operations in antibody and biomarker development with Randox’s award-winning biochip array multiplex technology enables multiple results from a single sample, consolidating laboratory costs. It’s the smart and cost-effective way to multiplex.

Pooled resources

Randox is improving precision, reliability and timeliness in the early diagnosis of disease and personalised selection for therapy, including monitoring the safety and efficacy of related therapies during development and post market launch.

It is pleased to have entered into a collaboration with Transgene that combines both companies’ state-of-the-art technology and resources to develop multi-functional oncolytic immunotherapies.

Go viral

Innovative oncolytic viruses (OVs) resulting from this collaboration will use Transgene’s proprietary next-generation viral platform, Inviro.IO, in which one or more of Randox’s single-domain antibodies (SdAbs) will be vectorised. The immunotherapies resulting from this collaboration will combine the oncolytic effect of the viruses with the properties of the vectorised SdAbs that will be locally expressed in the tumour microenvironment with the aim of treating immuno-suppressed solid tumours.

Enormous potential

This new and exciting relationship with Transgene enables groundbreaking advances and research in a critical area of human health. The work being carried out in the cancer treatment field has an enormous potential benefit for patients through the delivery of more effective treatments.

Dr Peter FitzGerald, managing director and founder of Randox Laboratories, says: "Randox is looking forward to working with Transgene to generate OVs that will be able to express multiple functions directly into the tumour, enhancing their efficacy. This partnership will allow Randox to benefit even more fully from its SdAb capabilities and immune-oncology expertise, and add this to its strategic collaborations across the world."

Gold standard

Randox scientists have spent more than £220 million researching the thousands of biomarkers present in our bodies and have identified the gold standard in testing. With a major focus on R&D, pioneering research has been carried out into a range of common illnesses such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

With around 16% of turnover reinvested in R&D, Randox has more new tests in development than any other diagnostic company. Its patented biochip array technology is the world’s only diagnostic-grade biochip. This state-of-the-art technology has revolutionised the diagnostics industry by offering a unique testing platform that allows multiple tests to be carried out from a single patient sample.

Global ambitions

Randox is always expanding, with more than 1,400 employees of 44 nationalities, including 300 research scientists and engineers, as well as offices and distribution in more than 145 countries.