The European service brand All-in-One enables PHOENIX to provide services for pharmaceutical companies along the entire value chain, from production to point of sale, generating more revenue at multiple different stages. The package cuts complexity and enables industry partners to concentrate on their core businesses. Its key offerings are ready-to-use and tailor-made sales and marketing support in more than 14,000 pharmacies in 26 countries across Europe (partnerships), insights on pharmacists, doctors and patients behaviour creating improved patient adherence and better decision-making (business intelligence), decreased cost through expert warehousing and healthcare logistics, valuable support and comparator sourcing for clinical trials and customised speciality solutions like procurement consultancy.

Specialised subsidiaries

One of PHOENIX group’s many specialised subsidiaries is Copenhagen-based Specific Pharma, which is an expert in sourcing all kinds of medicines and solving complicated cases.

For example, a hospital requested help with a small child. The patient had a heart disease and needed a product that was licensed in a different country, so time was critical. Specific Pharma sourced, purchased and delivered the product in less than seven hours, ensuring the youngster’s survival.

"Such cases give us extra motivation to do our daily job as best as we can," says sourcing specialist Martin Pilemann- Jensen. "We know our markets and our partners, and can act quickly if needed."

Patient focus

Sourcing comparator drugs, add-on or rescue medication for a clinical trial requires similar skills and offers the same challenges. Sourcing the product quickly, in the appropriate condition and with the necessary certificates, and then delivering it to the right place are the most important challenges. The patient participating in a trial is the focus, and the success of that trial will make a huge difference for many other future patients.

We know our markets and our partners, and can act quickly if needed.

PHOENIX group understands the importance of reliability, local knowledge, and good relationships with manufacturers and authorities, as well as flexibility for partners. Having a strong network of fully owned and full-line wholesale-subsidiaries in 26 European countries gives PHOENIX group outstanding access to every kind of medicine and medical device. Outside Europe, the company is supported by a worldwide network of proven suppliers that is managed by Specific Pharma in Denmark.

Clinical trial logistics

Besides sourcing, PHOENIX group’s second core competence is logistics, and with more than 30 years of experience in clinical trial logistics, it is the ideal partner to handle, store and distribute trial products. Packaging, blinding or labelling of the comparator drug and the IMP is part of the company’s tailor-made service.

The outstanding and audit-proved All-in-One package reduces the risk of study delays and failures and makes trials more successful. Your goal is PHOENIX group’s goal – making a difference for the patient.