With extensive experience in pharmaceutical programme management, Netherlands-based INTEGREX Research can significantly shorten timelines and increase the chance of success of drug discovery programmes.

INTEGREX Research is a drug discovery service company that integrates world-leading contract research experience with drug discovery and development excellence. It offers one portal for flexible and custom-made services in the range of hit identification, and hit and lead optimisation up to preclinical candidate selection.

With an up-to-date infrastructure, contract research facilities located at a short geographical distance from each other in the Netherlands – thereby enabling efficient logistics – and a critical mass of more than 150 FTE, in combination with a proven track record in the pharmaceutical industry and experience in drug discovery programme management, INTEGREX Research provides an efficient structure-activity relationship (SAR) engine that leads to high quality candidates.

Decades of pharmaceutical experience

Next to the generic activities that are required in the various phases of the hit finding, hit optimisation and lead optimisation processes, INTEGREX Research provides specific expertise in organic and chiral chemistry, medicinal and computational chemistry, and X-ray crystallography (including nuclear receptors, kinases, ion channels and proteases). Expert knowledge of ligand-protein interactions acquired over decades within the pharmaceutical industry has shown to significantly increase the speed of drug discovery programmes. The company also proposes cellular disease models for heart failure and neurodegenerative diseases that, in combination with its experience in high content analysis, offer unique opportunities for target discovery and validation.

"INTEGREX Research proposes cellular disease models for heart failure and neurodegenerative diseases."

In addition, INTEGREX Research offers various in vivo disease models for cognitive impairment, psychiatric and neurological disorders, and pain. These models can be performed simultaneously with microdialysis, in vivo electrophysiology and/or pharmacokinetics. For central nervous system-targeting drugs, the proprietary technology enables the free concentration of drugs to be measured in distinctive brain regions. These assets are particularly valuable in the later phase of hit or lead optimisation when it comes to the broad pharmacological profiling of candidates and the generation of proof of target engagement.

Discovery programme management

On request, research activities can be supervised by a drug discovery programme manager with a successful track record within the pharmaceutical industry and who is experienced in multiple programmes in the range of early target discovery up to phase IIA clinical studies in various CNS-related diseases (including Parkinson’s disease – delay of disease progression – traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis and addiction). Most importantly, alignment of the scientific knowledge as established by the client with the capability to optimise drug candidates as mastered at INTEGREX Research is key for the success of a drug discovery programme. Intellectual property generated during the course of such a programme will solely be owned by the client.

Thanks to decades of experience in programme management within the pharmaceutical industry, INTEGREX Research has the appropriate competency to significantly shorten timelines and increase the chance of success of its clients’ drug discovery programmes. By using just one portal, clients can outsource the sequential sections of the drug discovery process (from hit-finding to preclinical candidate selection) or choose from a restricted a la carte programme, using the simplest business model.