Taking advantage of recent technological developments, MECO has announced smartANALYTICS as a means of connecting its water purification machines and systems with big data analytics and in-house expertise.

MECO’s new product enables substantial amounts of operating data to be continuously profiled against design data and other identical or similar systems in the field. Profiling and big data provide the ability to see very small changes or patterns more readily; MECO can then quickly provide information to customers so that they can optimise performance, prevent unscheduled downtime and proactively engage resources as necessary.

"Predictive maintenance is better than reactive," says George Gsell, MECO president. "If one considers the overall footprint of a water purification system, it can be quite involved. In addition to energy consumption and water recovery rates, there can be chemical consumption, cleaning, membrane life and filter disposals. With the information at hand, our team is able to share knowledge and best practices.

"Water purification is critical to so many different industries. This technology enables us to be more closely connected to our clients, to service their needs more proactively and aid them in operating their plants in the most proficient manner."

The benefits

Water purification is a critical and complex process in manufacturing operations that is accompanied by substantial costs and a potential impact on the environment. Simultaneously, every water purification plant has the potential to generate an untapped amount of data.

If used and analysed properly, this data and analysis can improve operations in a number of ways. MECO smartANALYTICS was developed to tap into this data to ensure its customers’ water plants are operating at maximum efficiency and in the most reliable manner. Customers will have peace of mind, as the company’s insight into water has never been clearer.

Monitor product performance

MECO uses data profiling to benchmark a multitude of inputs, including flow rates, temperatures, pressures, vibrations and speeds. These inputs are recorded thousands of times a day, 365 days a year. It is by implenting the use of the constant data collection, that the programme profiles the performance of a consumers’ water plant against its own operating history. MECO’s expert team – whose only focus is the consumers’ well-being – provide evaluations and final reports.

Knowledge and expertise

Online diagnostics analyse input values in real time, and deviations from the expected norm are flagged for evaluation. The goal is to identify any issues before they become a problem and schedule routine maintenance before it is due. Slight variations in measurements that may be unfamiliar or appear insignificant can have larger implications. Proactive scheduling of consumable supplies and predictive maintenance activities keep the customers plant running efficiently without experiencing downtime.

Maximise cost savings

Predictive maintenance helps to avoid unscheduled shutdowns and production loss, which in turn saves money. MECO also reduces operating costs by recommending the most efficient operating parameters. The data-profiling capabilities of smartANALYTICS allow MECO’s experts to identify opportunities for improving the efficiency of operations, thus translating into savings in utilities, consumables, and maintenance.

Sustainability for tomorrow

In order to maximise system efficiency and reduce impact on the environment, it is important to change. As production flowrates or feed-water quality changes, MECO advise on best practices to minimise intake and outfall discharges. The programme also recommends how to minimise energy consumption. In addition to water and energy conservation, best practices also minimise consumables, replacement filters and membranes.