Myonex understands that clinical trials are complex, ever-changing, and expensive. “One size fits all” solutions don’t work. Over 30 years, we’ve built a comprehensive suite of sourcing and supply services to address this reality. And we have the flexibility and the dedicated teams to create tailored solutions for each trial’s specific requirements and complexities.

With Myonex as your clinical trial supply partner, you’ll gain…

  • expert problem-solving and tailored solutions for any challenge — sourcing multiple medications; accessing hard-to-source drugs; supplying to patients in multiple locations; complying with regulations in different countries; and many more.
  • speedy access to the right supply of drugs so the trial can start on time, lowering the risk of patient attrition and cost increases.
  • tools for reducing overage to eliminate waste that often occurs when drug forecasts exceed what is actually used in the trial. At the same time, you won’t run out of drug supply mid-trial or face delays getting re-supply.
  • flexibility to change drug supply requests if your trial’s protocol changes, or you face new regulations.
  • ways to reduce costs associated with the supply of ever-more-expensive biologics and other hard-to-source drugs.
  • answers to your inquiries about supply and pricing within a matter of days, not weeks.
  • the simplicity of working with a single vendor who can handle comparator drug sourcing and supply, packaging and labeling, returning or redistributing unused drugs, and providing all equipment and supplies needed for the trial, from IVs and tubing to refrigeration — and everything in between.


Clinical Trial Drug Sourcing

Sourcing comparator drugs for clinical trials has been our core business at Myonex for over 30 years. Myonex is structured and geared for efficiency and speed. We’ve intentionally built close long-term relationships with key drug manufacturers and suppliers — which translate into tangible benefits for your trial.

Clinical Trial Packaging & Distribution

A full-service solution for clinical trial packaging and distribution, Myonex will help you find the best packaging, labeling, and distribution solution for your trial. Myonex facilities in the U.S., the United Kingdom, and Denmark offer a wide range of solutions to meet your specific needs. We are experts at storing, packaging, and labeling investigational medicine. We strive to offer tailored solutions that save you time and give you flexibility if your packaging and labeling needs change suddenly.

Our global logistics and supply management systems allow us to ship and track all inventory after it is labeled and distributed to trial sites — as well as to handle returns of unused inventory. Myonex also has many years of experience with the especially complex packaging, labeling, and distribution needs of oncology clinical trials.

Clinical Trial Equipment & Supplies

Even with the right drug supply, your trial can’t start and proceed on time until every site has the additional equipment and supplies it requires to get started. Myonex can handle that critical service for you.

Often working in tandem with our drug supply services, Myonex ensures that a trial will have everything it needs to start on time and proceed smoothly. Rather than dealing with multiple suppliers, our customers benefit from consulting with one vendor who understands the entire trial and can standardize equipment and supplies across sites, which yields more reliable results. We have a team of experts who work side-by-side with clinical trial sponsors to understand what’s needed to handle, store, and administer certain drugs and gather key clinical information from patients.

Clinical Trial Patient Solutions

With the Myonex Clinical Trial Patient Solutions, or CTRx Prescription Service, you can start your trial faster and eliminate the costs of up-front bulk purchasing, storage, packaging and labeling, inventory management and drug waste.

Myonex is now the only clinical trial supply company to offer a clinical trial prescription service as part of our comprehensive suite of solutions. If your patients require access to a specialty or limited-distribution drug, they can get it more quickly. Patients can fill prescriptions at their local pharmacy, or the drugs and supplies can either be shipped directly to patients or to the clinical site. You’ll avoid delays, improve compliance, and reduce costs.

On-demand supply makes your trial easier and more cost-effective. You don’t have to forecast your supply needs up front or manage inventory. By filling orders as drugs and supplies are needed, you won’t be left with costly unused supply at the end of the trial.

For more information on how Myonex’s services can work harmoniously for your trial, visit