Contract manufacturing has become an essential strategy for pharmaceutical laboratories. Through a number of acquisitions, one European company has broadened its portfolio of services to provide a one-stop shop for the needs of laboratories worldwide.

NextPharma Technologies has strengthened its position within pharma to become a major strategic outsourcing partner to the industry for all forms of contract manufacturing and packaging, thereby creating value through key specialist technologies and development services.

The company’s ambitions are clear:

  • To offer a one stop shopping service to customers
  • To offer drug manufacturers the broadest possible range of production technologies, from big pharma and generics to biotech specialists

Just as in the electronics, naval and aerospace industries, third-party or sub-contracted manufacturing has become an essential strategy for pharmaceutical laboratories; NextPharma has become the next generation pharma solution, a global solution for laboratories.

Best-in-class services

NextPharma was established in 2000 with the aim of providing best-in-class pharmaceutical contract development, manufacturing and logistics with a focus on solving customers’ needs in both innovative and conventional technologies.

It is a leading independent supplier in the fast growing pharmaceutical drug development and operates eight facilities in Europe, which provide a broad range of development, manufacturing and packaging services for almost all dosage forms.

For three years, NextPharma’s policy has been oriented towards acquisitions in Europe by buying experienced contract manufacturing organisations, such as allphamed Pharbil in Germany in 2000, Thissen Laboratories in Belgium and Biophélia in France in 2001.

NextPharma has created unique business opportunities by acquiring technologies like extrusion pellet production, handling cytotoxic formulations and increased critical mass by acquiring experienced contract manufacturing companies.

Within this environment, NextPharma has established well-trained sales and customer service departments as well as separate centres of excellence targeting different areas such as cytostatics, antibiotics, pellets and logistic services.