This year, Nycomed begins construction of a pharmaceuticals production plant in Yaroslavl, Russia. With an investment of up to €75 million, it is expected to open in 2014. The company has 16 facilities in 12 countries, so the new plant will add to its standing as a global player.

Nycomed’s new facility will produce medicines for the local market in the Commonwealth of Independent States including Russia (Russia-CIS), which contributes 10% to Nycomed’s turnover and plays an important role in the company’s growth strategy. The plant, which is situated roughly 280 kilometres from Moscow, meets the current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) requirements and local regulations.

Versatile supplier

The facility is designed to manufacture liquid sterile products (ampoules and vials) as well as solid medicines (tablets). Liquid production includes solution preparation, washing of ampoules, sterilisation, filling and inspection.

Solid production encompasses all stages, from mixing and granulation through to compression and coating. In addition, packaging lines for both solids and liquids are incorporated. Nycomed plans to make products that are important for the local market, such as Cardiomagnyl, Actovegin, calcium and Warfarin.

The aforementioned products are currently manufactured in three of four competence centres, located in Austria and Germany. Each of them has considerable experience in sterile or solid production. The competence centre for solids is located in Oranienburg near Berlin; those for sterile products in Singen near the Lake of Constance and in Linz, the biggest industrial city in Upper Austria.

The sterile liquid production plants are specialised in filling glass ampoules and vials in large quantities, as well as in filling syringes.

Biological centre

Employing an international team of 500 people, Nycomed Austria in Linz is also the competence centre for products of biological origin, with great expertise in processing material of animal or human origin. At Linz, more than 3,800 tons of calves’ blood per year are handled in order to produce Actovegin. In the future, Nycomed Austria will be permitted to handle narcotic drugs and drug substances.

The site in Oranienburg, which this year celebrates 125 years in pharma manufacture, offers compressed technologies. It has undergone constant improvements with new buildings being installed just a few years ago, so today the company can offer worldwide production, approved by several authorities globally. The site in Singen also offers cutting-edge production in steriles and semi-solids, with more than 700 people working every day to deliver a committed effort to Nycomed and its clients. Contract manufacturing At Nycomed, providing the highest quality is a matter of course; safety and convenience are its maxims. Besides producing its own brands, the company offers its competence and experience in manufacturing all these technologies to external partners.

"Nycomed offers expertise not only in scientific matters but also in assisting clients to understand their target markets for the supply and distribution of products."

Looking back on more than 40 years of experience in the contract manufacturing business, Nycomed is proud to serve a client base of customers from emerging companies to big pharma. Its service covers the whole supply chain from careful sourcing of raw materials and efficient production of the bulk material to specific secondary packaging and the timely delivery of the final product.

Its sites are an integral part of a global contract manufacturing organisation, currently consisting of eight sites, which offer the whole range of pharmaceutical technologies from solid to liquid preparations.

Tailor-made services

In total Nycomed operates 16 pharma production facilities in 12 countries; these sites are meeting the highest international quality standards. Staying in contact with its clients is part of the organisation’s understanding of providing complete customer care: it tailors its services towards specific customers and tasks. Nycomed offers expertise not only in scientific matters but also in assisting clients to understand their target markets for the supply and distribution of products.

Partnership plays a vital role in all its operational activities and helps to guarantee that products reach exactly the right customers in the most efficient manner possible. If you would like to know more about Nycomed, visit Stand no 4G40, Hall 4.0, at the ICSE Europe 2010 fair, 5-7 October 2010, in Paris Nord Villapinte Exhibition Centre, Paris, France.