Biotechnologies have been at the forefront of complex chronic disease management. With higher selectivity, and therefore better therapeutic efficacy for reduced side effects, biotherapies have achieved great success in enhancing quality of life. But despite their effectiveness, biologics are costly products that raise new concerns regarding their storage, delivery and monitoring. These challenges have led Biocorp to develop the Datapen, a smart delivery device with an electromechanical injection that provides a smoother delivery experience.

Smart sensors provide better storage control, simpler reconstitution and safer delivery

Datapen is a reusable pen injector that uses smart sensors, which provide precise information regarding appropriate storage conditions and the optimal temperature for painless injections. An organic light-emitting diode screen displays specific messages, and alerts can be set up to prevent poor preservation and enhance delivery conditions.

Considering that lyophilised biologics demonstrated easier and longer storage, many pharmaceutical companies prefer dual-chamber cartridges as an alternative to traditional mixing processes. Suitable for standard and dual-chamber cartridges, Datapen offers new possibilities for safer and simpler reconstitution in pen. The electromechanical injection system enables a fully automated drug-mixing process, with more control and less user intervention.

From the patient’s perspective, drugs reconstitution and delivery processes require handling a series of steps. This is the reason why Datapen helps patients with every stage of drugs reconstitution, using visual and audio signals to inform patients and caregivers about the process – saving time and avoiding human error.

This support is critical and it has been shown that educating patients closely relates to better compliance with therapeutics. Datapen’s guidance system maintains long-term education and reminds patients how to properly use the delivery device.

Effortless injections with higher accuracy

With a shift towards drugs self-administration in a home setting, subcutaneous injections appear to be the preferred route of administration. For this purpose, biotherapeutic solutions are more concentrated; however, highconcentration protein formulations are more viscous and raise new injectability challenges. The Datapen’s motorised injection system ensures an effortless and smooth drug delivery regardless of the patient’s strength and the needle gauge size. For greater comfort and less pain, the injection speed can be adapted.

In addition to increasing convenience, Datapen also ensures safer injections over time. The electromechanical system offers a great repeatability and accuracy – even for microliter-range injections. Therefore, Datapen stands out for biotherapeutics that require very precise injections.

Connectivity for remote monitoring

The unsustainable healthcare expenditure will require closer control of costly drug delivery and patient monitoring. Increasing telemedicine solutions and connected medical devices has changed the way patients and healthcare providers are managing long-term conditions and treatment delivery. Indeed, treatment-related data is precious information for optimising therapies and promoting a better understanding of the patient’s adherence to treatment.

Datapen’s on-board electronics allow a seamless integration of wireless connectivity features, turning an electromechanical delivery system into a smart pen injector. Treatment-related data is automatically recorded and transferred to a secured platform. Healthcare providers and patients have access to a comprehensive set of accurate data by using mobile apps and digital web platforms. User-friendly digital features provide daily support, including reminders, tips and medical guidance, alerts and educational content.

Datapen’s on-board electronics and electromechanical system ensures motorised and highly accurate injections. This customisable solution provides new capabilities to address the most demanding needs of delivering biotherapeutic products.