As the quantities of heat-sensitive medicinal products to be transported increase, logistical costs are rising, insurance schemes become ever-more burdensome and, in response, pharmaceutical manufacturers are being compelled to comply with increasingly stringent regulations. Sofrigam explains how its flat-pack XXL Pallet Shipper can reduce global logistics costs, while guaranteeing consistent temperature control.

TCO (total cost of ownership) is a widely used benchmark for insulated packaging purchases. Nearly half of pharmaceutical manufacturers state that they are looking for ways to reduce their overall logistical costs. Doing so, while guaranteeing a constant temperature, is one of the most the pressing, ongoing challenges facing manufacturers.

A genuine option for reducing TCO

In 2012, Sofrigam launched the XXL Pallet Shipper, a very-high-capacity container designed to fit onto air cargo platforms. After several months of research and development, a flat-pack version is now available.

With similar volumes and similar performance to the original model, the flat-packed, insulated Pallet Shipper is easy to fit and quick to assemble, and optimises the volume of products dispatched, reduces transport and logistics costs and saves preparation time.


Supplied in flat pack form, more Pallet Shippers can be delivered in a given consignment. A lorry can carry:

  • three times as many flat-packed than pre-assembled Pallet Shippers
  • twice as many can be carried on an air freight platform.

Highly efficient

Manufactured using one of the most efficient insulating materials (polyurethane), the XXL Pallet Shipper maintains the dispatched products at a constant temperature of 2-8 °C for a period of 96 hours under conditions defined by the NF S99-700 standard and 144 hours under conditions defined by ISTA 7E standard.

Fast and easy to prepare

The XXL Pallet Shipper:

  • can be assembled by one person within five minutes
  • has been specially designed to accommodate a pallet of products once the pallet shipper has been assembled to avoid any interruption to the cold chain.