SmartCAE (CAE = Computer Aided Engineering) are a team of highly qualified, enthusiastic engineers and physicists. We have been developing software solutions mainly in the area of thermal engineering for more than 15 years, ranging from modeling household appliances to industrial ovens, and from medical devices to crash tests in the automotive industry. Our credo is "smart" in the sense that it not always requires the most sophisticated mathematical model, or highest computing capacities, to achieve the best solutions for the task at hand. This way, we are committed to always deliver the maximum benefit for minimal expenses.
Since 2014 we are focusing specifically on the field of temperature controlled logistics. Our "virtual cold chain" software products and services help all players involved in the field, from packaging providers to logistics providers and pharmaceutical companies.

SmartCAE Thermal Packaging

Our software SmartCAE Thermal Packaging helps packaging providers to rapidly prototype new, and analyze existing, packaging designs, reducing the number of expensive cold chamber tests to a minimum. SmartCAE Temperature Profiles gives access to historical and forecast temperature data of more than 20,000 weather stations worldwide, assisting all forces involved in planning distribution lanes by providing realistic estimates of expected lane temperature conditions. Our software package SmartCAE Lane Risk is a tool to determine the risk for thermal excursions on global distribution lanes. It can simulate the risk for thousands of realistic temperature scenarios for any packaging design and any lane, including thermal radiation from the sun or hot tarmac surfaces.

Temperature Controlled Logistics

Our approach has opened up a whole new perspective in the field of temperature controlled logistics, which has not been possible in yesterday land, based on physical tests alone. It is now possible to acquire estimates of thermal lane risk in a matter of hours, compared to traditional lab and field tests that had required weeks and months of costly test shipments with limited statistical relevance.

This is our way to help companies improve their cold chain processes, and thus minimise time to market, limit unnecessary waste, and reduce the billions of dollars lost in the cold chain due to temperature excursions.