The world of clinical research can be a challenging one, no matter what stage of the research process you work in, whether that is at site or sponsor level. Historically, this was mainly due to research being conducted in silos – some people were not willing to share information and collaborate. Things certainly changed for the better when the Clinical Informatics Research Unit (CIRU) took the issue into their own hands and developed EDGE.

The power of data

Data can be a powerful thing, especially when it is kept accurate and made easily accessible to those who require it. EDGE promotes the input of accurate, efficient data and removes the duplication of efforts for all those involved in a research study. The cloud-based system fully supports data sharing and collaboration among sites that are undergoing research. This collaborative approach allows a much quicker, more efficient research process. It reduces the burden of research administration, therefore giving staff more time for the things that really matter: patient care and patient experience.

Pharmaceutical companies traditionally ‘inbound’ technology into sites to manage their specific trials, but now the capability exists to subscribe to the embedded system in place to monitor specific studies in the UK.
– Professor James Batchelor

80% of the NHS

The process of research is made so much easier when everyone involved is working in the same place, sharing information and best practice. The EDGE system is already used successfully among 80% of the NHS, across Canada, Belgium and further emerging global markets. Professor James Batchelor, director of CIRU, notes, "Pharmaceutical companies traditionally ‘inbound’ technology into sites to manage their specific trials, but now the capability exists to subscribe to the embedded system in place to monitor specific studies in the UK." Subscribing to EDGE ensures that the organisation responsible for the study can oversee the data that they need to monitor and track study performance. This data already exists in EDGE.

Adaptability and flexibility

Systems that can be easily adaptable and flexible to meet users’ needs are key elements to real success. EDGE was developed to work for any organisation, large or small, commercial or noncommercial. CIRU develops great relationships with its customers to ensure that they make the most out of EDGE. It promotes idea sharing, which leads to further enhancement of the system, providing its users with up-to-date functionality which they can use to improve their research management.

Part of the community

As a strong believer in collaboration, CIRU actively engages with its user base, assisting with skill and expertise development. Becoming a member of the ever-growing EDGE community saves money on the costly implementation and training that often occurs when it comes to implementing a brand-new research system into a site. It also provides that all-important communication channel between the sponsor and the staff, who are at the forefront of clinical research. Subscribing to a system that is already deeply embedded and understood by thousands of research staff can build further collaborations and partnerships among the different industries, which overall will create a smarter, more efficient way of working.