The measuring instrument producer Anton Paar has purchased a Raman spectroscopy product line of benchtop instruments from US company BaySpec Inc. and also licensed a technology for handheld Raman products from SciAps Inc. The product line will be implemented and further developed by Anton Paar OptoTec GmbH, a German subsidiary of Anton Paar.

As of 1 December 2016, the Austrian measuring instrument producer Anton Paar has purchased a Raman spectroscopy product line from BaySpec Inc. (San Jose, US). The product line, consisting of two Raman spectrometers and one Raman microscope, will be implemented and further developed in a new product department at Anton Paar OptoTec GmbH in Seelze (Germany).

In addition, Anton Paar licensed technology for handheld Raman technology from SciAps Inc. located in Massachusetts (US).

Nils Bertram, general manager Anton Paar OptoTec GmbH: "From both a business and a technological point of view, this purchase of products and technology represents a future-oriented step for Anton Paar in Seelze, Germany. We have now entered the field of molecular spectroscopy."

The two Raman spectrometers and the Raman microscope round off the company’s portfolio for the pharmaceutical and chemical industries. The measuring instruments are available with immediate effect.

By determining the vibrational and rotational modes of molecules, Raman spectroscopy allows investigations into the structure, bonds, and, for example, the chemical characterization of gases, liquids, and solids. Raman spectrometers are used to identify pharmaceutical agents or chemicals, and to rapidly detect toxic substances.

The involved parties have agreed not to disclose the investment sums.